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Aggiungi un Somavedic e migliora la qualità della tua vita :)

Prosegui con l'acquisto

Joanne from Kindred Spirit magazine - on Medic

When I first read about EMF influence on our health, it galvanized me to finally take a serious look into various health issues I had had for a number of years so three months ago, when I was given the privilege of trying one of the Somavedic units to trial and review I was eager to do so. We chose The Medic as it offers a huge selection of benefits.

As I live close to a line of large electricity pylons, this would be quite a challenge to The Medic!

I had tried 3 other smaller and very different devices of helping to eliminate EMR /EMF over the last 5 years and had shown a very minor improvement but after the menopause, my system became increasingly sensitive to these things so I was not about to give up on my search for a solution in an ever-more irradiated world.

After 4 weeks there was a noticeable improvement in 'brain fog' and the random shooting pains and twinges I regularly experienced in various areas of my body had decreased by 40%. Mood swings also had decreased in frequency and intensity.

Palpitations, usually when lying on my back in bed also started to decrease and now I rarely get them at all in my home (within the field of Medic)

I had also found a lot of insomnia creeping on over the last two years and often didn't fall asleep until 1 a.m. which made 6 a.m. alarm calls Purgatory! My sleep patterns became more regular after around the 8 week mark and even my digestion issues seem to have resolved themselves almost entirely (an added bonus I did not expect!)

Around this time I also noticed the hot flashes I'd had for the last 18 months had almost vanished, having maybe an episode of them once every few weeks instead of several times daily. I understand from post-menopausal friends that hot flashes often continue for some years so, having changed nothing else in my well-being regimen, I'm sure it was down to Medic.

Almost daily migraines also shrank to milder pain around once per week and in the third month, I've noticed I have much more energy!

This is undoubtedly a whole-body system that is very much needed both now and in the future, as we move up to 5G and science catches up with what many intuitives have known for a decade or more. I highly recommend it.

I would suggest that you browse the Somavedic website as there is a ton of information, symptoms, reviews and detailed descriptions of each device.

Somavedic Medic has been certified by The International Association for Electrosmog-Research IGEF and by the International Association for Electromagnetic Compatibility Research IIREC.

Reviewed by Joanne Hunt, advertising manager, Kindred Spirit / Watkins' Mind, Body Spirit